My laptop is currently out of commission. If it wasn't consumed by a virus, I would post pictures. However, I am not patient enough to sit at this very SLOW computer and upload the pictures. I have recently realized how spoiled I am. I am used to sitting in the recliner with my laptop, never having to climb the stairs, and never having to wait for the pages to load. I am using our old computer upstairs. Last night I did an assignment for my School Law class on this computer. I think I spent more time waiting for pages to load than actually doing the assignment. It was an exercise in patience (which I'm sure I need to cultivate).
So here's what is going on with us:
-Sudoku puzzles--these are addicting. Cody and I have both been doing them since there is NOTHING on TV in the summer. Last night I printed Josie off a kids' starter puzzle so she can learn to do them.
-Gardening--we pulled our squash up because they have been ruined by squash vine bores. Hopefully I can post pictures. They are some nasty little creatures.
-Swimming at Nanny's
-Praying for rain or at least less heat!