Monday, February 22, 2010

Making Sausage the Spivey Way

Each year the Spivey men meet up to make deer sausage. They use a mix of pork and deer. The first step is to grind all that meat.

The learning process begins early! I'm sure Cody was imparting some very important sausage wisdom to Jake.
Cody's job was to stuff the meat into the grinder.
Josie was not amused by the smell of raw meat. I'm not sure if she will ever be part of the sausage process.
Each pan is seasoned differently depending on whether it is going to be made into rings, dried sausage, or bagged up as pan sausage. This is just the beginning of a long day of work.


Laura said...

I think I'm with Josie on this one.

Cheryl said...

I just have to laugh at Cody sitting on that milk crate on the table...

I am glad Kyle doesn't participate in this ritual any more. His family doesn't really make sausage any more, but when they do, I am glad we are not there...not the best sausage in the world...