One of my favorite things about summer is gardening. Unfortunately I have learned that my small flowerbeds are not great for vegetable gardening. Jake talked me into planting corn in our biggest, but not necessarily big enough for corn, bed. Between the weather and the dog that keeps digging stuff up, we managed to grow 3 corn stalks. I figured that they wouldn't actually ever make corn since I've always heard you need several rows for it to pollinate.
Well apparently I was wrong. If this silk is any indication, we might actually get a few ears of corn.

Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers, probably because they are easy to grow. The kids and I grew these from seeds.

The fact that butterflies are attracted to them is just an added bonus. Maybe the butterflies helped our corn along.

I'm trying to learn to use the manual controls on my camera, so I've been taking pictures of all sorts of things trying out different settings.