Thursday, September 3, 2009

More School Stories

Josie had a paper called "If You Were..." in her folder today. It was one of those getting-to-know-you, beginning-of-school, kind of assignments. Here are a few of her answers (exactly as she had written them):

If you were an animal, what would you be?
a cheeta

If you were a musical instrument, which would you be?
a drum (yeah, I can definitely see this one)

If you were a flower, which kind would you be?

And here's my personal favorite...

If you were a psychiatrist, who would be your first patient?
my mom


Laura said...

I laughed out loud--too funny!! This is a cute assignment--might have to give it to Sadie.

Laura said...

PS--what would the teacher think if she didn't know you??

Ashly said...

lol...:D that is so great...i agree with laura, i'm glad the teacher knows you!!!