We just got back from a few days at Inks Lake. We had so much fun with family and friends! We managed to pack lots of fun into a few days. With the start of school looming, we crammed food, fishing, fireworks, tubing, and lots of laughter into a long weekend at the Spivey Fish Camp (aka Camp Granny).

Setting drop lines with Amy

The catfish were biting! Yum...Can't wait for a fish fry!

Fishing for perch... We worked hard trying to keep them alive to put on our drop lines and trot line.

Can you sense my fear? If you know me, you know I do not like to go underwater. You probably see where this is going. I now have reached my underwater quota for at least the next 10 years. I'm pretty sure that is the last time I willingly put my head below the surface of any body of water.
This is more my speed, but Josie wasn't too impressed! My arms are still sore from all that rowing.
Jake, doing what he does best...shooting stuff!

The catfish slayers...rowed out to the drop lines, baited the hook, caught a catfish, took it off the hook...are you impressed yet?

All those hours of tumbling paid off for Josie. She managed to hold on despite Daddy's best efforts to throw her off.
LOVED THESE!! I am very jealous. I'm thinking I may have to invite myself to Camp Granny. You on the tube looks about like me on the tube--I totally refuse to do it.
Looked fun! Glad you guys had a good time.
I've never laughed so hard...it was awesome to watch Josie have such a good time and I was very proud of Jen for wanting to go on the tube and actually follow through...:0) We had a fun weekend...Amy is convinced she's gained 5lbs thanks to Granny. I want you to know I do cook but food must taste better at Camp Granny! And the RIBS...were to die for. We had fun...thanks for letting us tag along.
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