Last night, we took the kids to the student Bonfire. We figured the brain-washing process needed to be continued, so we invited ourselves to go along with Ashly and Brant. We all piled in my fairly-new car and headed out to drive to the burn site. This site, according to the navigation system, was out in the middle of nowhere between Bryan and Hearne. Traffic was bad; we expected that, so we patiently and slowly made the trek.
What we didn't expect was the pasture parking lot, made messy by a morning rain. We knew it was a bad sign when the number of cars and trucks that were stuck couldn't be counted on one hand. We managed to park without too much trouble, all the while wishing we would have brought Cody's not-so-new, 4-wheel drive truck.
Waiting for the fire to be lit.

Cody and I had not been to a student-led Bonfire since before the tragedy 10 years ago when 12 Aggies were killed. The last time we went, it was still on campus. The band was there. The yell leaders were there. The football players were there. We weren't really sure what to expect of an off-campus Bonfire. We weren't disappointed. Although all of the elements of the old days werent' there, the kids experienced yell practice, singing the War Hymn and the Spirit of Aggieland, "humping it" and "The Last Corp Trip."

The kids also got to experience sitting in the car in a pasture for over an hour watching people get stuck while trying to get back to the road.
Can you tell how stuck this guy was?
I am SO jealous. I love the fact that you guys all went together. Although it isn't the same, your evening sent me on a trip down memory lane. I can hardly wait to hear the kids' version of the evening.
We've got to get some "brainwashing" started on Sadie. I'm afraid she's destined to be a Raider.
OHHHH I'm so glad you all went! Now you've started a new tradition...Makes me happy!
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