Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Count Your Blessings

I've always loved that song..."count your blessings; name them one by one..." I wonder how often we really actually sit and think about how blessed we really are. Right now I am sitting on my very comfortable couch, watching my very large TV (well, okay, it is actually Cody's TV, but he let's me watch too). I am typing on my laptop while the air conditioner hums in the background. My two beautiful children are asleep in their beds upstairs. Everyone had plenty to eat tonight; we are all healthy. I could go on and on!

Today, Trey Morgan's blog really made me think about my family's many blessings. I honestly cannot imagine living in a dump as the people he wrote about in Honduras. I also cannot imagine living the way so many people do. I see children every day who live in very sad conditions. The best meal they have is the one they get at school.

You may be reading thinking, "Okay what's your point?" Give--give your time; give your talents; give your prayers. Give thanks!

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