Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tag, I'm It!
1. Where is your cell phone? Purse.
2. Where is your significant other? Recliner.
3. Your hair color? When?
4. Your mother? Farmer.
5. Your father? Heaven.
6. Your favorite thing? Chocolate.
7. Your dream last night? Dreamless.
8. Your dream/goal? Health.
9. The room you’re in? Living.
10. Your hobby? Photography.
11. Your fear? Illness.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Family.
13. Where were you last night? Home.
14. What you’re not? Efficient.
15. One of your wish-list items? Maid.
16. Where you grew up? Happy.
17. The last thing you did? Email.
18. What are you wearing? Sneakers.
19. Your TV? CSI.
20. Your pet? Freckles.
21. Your computer? Laptop.
22. Your mood? Tired.
23. Missing someone? Laura/Nonnie (sorry I know I'm breaking the rule of one word)
24. Your car? Messy.
25. Something you’re not wearing? Lipstick.
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? Kids.
28. Love someone? Absolutely.
29. Your favorite color? Lime.
30. When is the last time you laughed? Recently.
31. Last time you cried? September.
I don't know if anyone who reads this blog will participate, but... Tag, you're it!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Jake! (just a little early!)
It's hard to believe how time flies! I was just thinking about when he was born... I taught up until the day before he was born. That was a Friday, and I was planning to get my sub plans ready on Saturday morning. I woke up early Saturday morning having contractions and there was not time for sub plans. Thank goodness my sweet neighbor teacher got everything ready for my classroom. When I told Cody I was in labor, he asked if he had time to go to work for a little bit. We made it to the hospital at around 8:30 and Jake was born around 10:30. Good thing he didn't get tied up at work! After we brought Baby Jake home from the hospital, it was months later before Josie stopped asking things like, "Is he still going to be here at Christmas?"
Sunday, October 26, 2008
S'more Fun

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkin Fun
Last night was Paint Pumpkins with PTO at our school. We had lots of fun picking and painting pumpkins, getting faces painted, eating PaPa John's Pizza and taking fall pictures.
It was also Character Dress Up Day. Everyone (staff and students) dressed as a character from a favorite book. Josie was Junie B. Jones from Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket. This is a perfect character from her since she is so much like Junie B. In this book, Junie B. is afraid of going on a field trip to a farm because she thinks the rooster will peck her head into a nub. We found the cutest stuffed rooster at Dollar General that plays the Chicken Dance song. Josie carried the rooster during the parade. I dressed as Farmer Zuckerman from Charlotte's Web. The office staff dressed as the characters from Holes, which included orange jumpsuits. Here are a few pictures.

The rest of the weekend includes lots of laundry, school work, grant writing, and Halloween costume making. Thankfully, the class I am taking right now only has one more week to go.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wedding Bells
Josie: "Mom, when teenagers...well not really teenagers...when grownups...well not really grownups..." Lots of long pauses involved.
This went on for quite some time with me trying to remain patient even though we were late to school (again!). It had been one of those mornings when everything had taken twice as long as it should have. Needless to say I had already missed my weekly Bible Study.
Josie: "When people get married..."
Me: "Yes, Josie." Thinking to myself, "is there a point to this story? Spit it out! Get to the point! Or better yet, just ride quietly in the car while I drive and contemplate another day."
Josie: "When people get married, do they stand up and thank their Mama and Daddy for raising them?"
YES--they should anyway! I have no idea why this topic was on her mind, but most conversations are like this with Josie. I did have a flash of a future day when she would be all grown up and getting married (and of course thanking Cody and me for raising her). I'm sure she will wear a tiarra and a very FANCY dress.
We discussed her wedding. She said, "I want you to be there with me. Will you still look the same as you do right now?"
Me: "Probably not; I'll probably be old and fat."
Josie: "Not if you start walking on the treadmill. You should go walk right now."
I'm not sure about how I'll look, but Josie, the Lord willing, I will be there with you.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Random Blog
This vine is growing over our fence from our neighbor's yard. Angie definitely has a green thumb. I don't know what kind of vine it is, but it is really pretty. I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dear Santa..
Wonderful Weather
Friday, October 17, 2008
Reasons to be Rich
- Hot tub in the living room
- A bigger house-- probably in New York (she says that the best place we could move since they have Niagra Falls)
- A closet like London Tipton has (Suite Life of Zach and Cody)
- Parties every night for the whole neighborhood and anyone else we know
I have to say being rich does sound nice (except for the New York thing). Can't see that happening! Not sure why the hot tub is going to be in he living room either!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Freckles Update
Freckles is settling in and getting used to life at the Spivey house. She is still calm and quiet, although I did finally hear her bark. She comes in and hangs out for awhile, mostly just laying down watching us. She's still a little unsure of Cody even though he has been trying really hard to make friends with her. She won't come up to him unless one of the kids or I am close by. He's been trying to bribe her with food and that seems to be helping. So far, it seems she is house trained and she doesn't try to get on the furniture either. Josie and Jake have been very excited about having her here. It is a good thing she is patient, since they keep taking her collar on and off and trying to lead her around the house and backyard on the leash.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bible Memory Verse
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Meet the Newest Member of the Family
Meet Freckles!
We adopted her today from the Abandoned Animal Rescue Shelter.
She is a calm, sweet girl who loves to get attention. We brought her home and she has been exploring the yard and resting by the back door. Freckles is probably about 3-5 years old. She has been great with Jake and Josie. On the way home, Freckles sat between them. She tends to drool (a lot) and this was quite traumatic for both kids. Josie remarked, "I could probably make a pool for ants with all this slobber!
More pictures soon!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Supper Conversation
Me: What was the best part of your day, Jake?
Jake: Well, not the nap part.
Me: So which part was the best?
Jake: The staying up part.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Bible Memory Verse
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God's children."
-Romans 8:15-16
Seven Year Portraits
Friday, October 3, 2008
School Story
Not sure what school she's talking about, but I don't think my kids will be going there.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mom of the Year?
Today, Cody took Jake to school and called me not long after.
"Did you know that today is picture day?" he said. I did know, but I had forgotten. Then I remember what Jake had been wearing when he left for school....ratty knit shorts, a sweatshirt that didn't necessarily go with the shorts, and brown church-looking shoes. And you should see his hair! The Wal Mart haircut we got a few weeks ago has not been so good. We can't even get his hair to lay down when it is wet. I did take him some nicer looking clothes to change into, and his sweet teachers at his school said they would find some gel to try to get his hair to stop sticking up (at least long enough for the picture).
Can't wait to see the pictures!
Future Teacher?
Today, I went to tell Josie something after school. When I got to her classroom door, I saw her sitting in her teacher's chair in front of the carpet reading a book aloud to some other 2nd graders. She looked just like a "real" teacher, showing the pictures from each page as she read. Her teacher told me that Josie asked permission to read the other kids a story. Mrs. Campbell gave her permission. Not much later, Josie said, "But Mrs. Campbell they're not listening." Before her teacher could respond, Josie said, "Oh, now I know why it's so hard to be a teacher!"
So here is a thank you to all those teachers who touch the lives of kids every day. Thank you Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Jorge, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Gonzalez, Ms. Melanie, Ms. Samantha, and Ms. Curry especially for taking care of my babies. The care and love you give or have given them means more than you'll ever know.
Mama and Josie on the first day of school this year.